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Unfolded Job Size
Maximum size of unfolded job (with trim marks) cannot exceed 322mm x 484mm.
Artwork Size
Your artwork should consists of two files: one file for printing (witm trim marks) and second with cutting and scoring lines (with trim marks set exactly in the same places as in file for printing - so we can match both files). Maximum artwork size cannot exceed 322mm x 484mm. Please set all the elements of your artwork so they take as little place as possible. If elements of your artwork (e.g. box) do no fit into one sheet, then put and save remaining parts in the separate file.
Graphics Layout
  • Graphics and texts which should not be cut or scored have to set at least 5mm from cutting and scoring lines.
  • If you require the print to run right off the edge of the paper (known as bleeding), you must make sure that both background and all design elements which touch the edges of the page are extended by 3mm (i.e. hanging 3mm of EACH edge of the paper) beyond the trimming line.
  • Due to +/- 1mm cutting tolerance do not add any borders or frames close to the cutting line (min. 5mm away).
  • As folding and cutting tolerance comes up to ±2mm we recommend to avoid contrasting colours between adjacent surfaces of folded packaging.
  • Draw cutting lines with a hairline (width) in black colour (100%K)
    and scoring lines with a hairline (width) in cyan colour (100%C).

    All lines have to be grouped.
  • Please set min. 5mm spaces between cut elements. It ensures correct cutting in case your artwork would move slightly when being cut.
  • Cutting line should not have roundings with radius smaller than 2 mm for Trucard board and 6mm for foil sticked onto corrugated board - too small rounding radius can lead to edge tearing.
    Attention! Limitations of rounding radius do not exclude linking lines with sharp corners.
  • Scoring lines do not have to be straight. Only remeber that in case of corrugated board folding of such lines or curves can look unaesthetic.
  • You can use as many curves as you want to draw the cutting or scoring lines, only remember that single curve cannot have too many opened sub-paths. Such a curve with too many sub-paths has to be separated into distinct curves.
  • When projecting the cutting line try to avoid placing its beginning and ending points on the curve - it looks best when you put them in the middle of the straight line.
  • In order to save cutting time:
    - use straight lines instead of curves wherever it is possible,
    - use only as few nodes as needed to draw the curve,
    - try to link lines in your design to form few longer lines instead of many shorter ones,
    - cutting lines cannot overlap.
  • Cutting template (matched to file for printing and with trim marks set exactly in the same places) has to be saved as the separate file or, optionally, on the separate NON-PRINTABLE layer named "cutting".
In case of very complex shapes or not well prepared files which lead to prolonging of plotting time, D&D Ltd. reserves the right to change the price of your order. In such situation we inform you about it before start printing your order.

Cutting templates exported from box designing programmes are not usable for cutting. Such templates have to be re-edited in graphic programme according to above listed rules.
Trim Marks
In the sheet's corners (within the printed area) place the trim marks (10mm length is enough). Trim marks have to be the most outside placed elements of your artwork.
Both files (for printing and cutting) have to contain trim marks set exactly in the same places.
Draw trim marks with a hairline (width) in magenta colour (100%M).
All trim marks (as 4 separated curves) have to be set as one group of objects.
Do not place trim marks as crosses. Locate them in each corner of your artwork with one line showing the horizontal cut and the other showing the vertical cut. They show where the sheet will be trimmed.

Colour Space
Please provide your artwork in CMYK palette. Ensure that ALL images, text and other design elements have colours set to CMYK palette and do not contain any RGB or Pantone colours.
Black Solid
In order to obtain rich saturated black use 33%C 33%M 33%Y 100%K.
Gray Solid
If you want the background to be grey, compose it of the 'K' component only, without using the remaining 'CMY' colours.
Tone Gradation
Do not set your tonal range for values smaller than 5%.
To avoid visual bands add some noise to your gradation.
Optimum Resolution
Optimum resolution for bitmaps (graphics, photos) is 300dpi.
Please set texts and any important information (graphics, photos) at least 3mm from the edge of a page (in actual trim size) and from scores for folding.

When rotating your artwork by -90 degrees please check whether the bitmaps rotate correctly.

Set all texts on a separate top layer.

In case of saving your artwork as CDR file, please group all the objects and convert all fonts to curves / paths.
In your file please define your artwork size in accordance with above mentioned size and place your artwork centrally on a page.
If you save as EPS file the artwork which has no background (white), please frame it to above mentioned size.

Due to cutting tolerance some slight movements in relation to artwork edges may occur. For that reason we recommend to avoid those kinds of framing where such distortions could be visible.

By default utilities are reversed Head to Head.

File Saving
File Formats
File for Printing Preferred: PDF
Acceptable: EPS, TIFF, JPEG
Attention! From the INDESIGN software we accept only PRN files.
File for Cutting & Scoring   Preferred: CDR (up to 9.0 version)
Acceptable: EPS, PDF
To attach files to your application please convert them first to ZIP format.
Additional Information
If you have text in your artwork please remember to convert it to curves / paths or attach used fonts to your file (refers only to PDF files).
Do NOT convert texts to bitmaps!!!
When saving your file as PDF, please remember also to set high resolution of the graphics.

Do not save cutting lines in your file for printing! Only TRIM MARKS - they are ESSENTIAL as without them labels cannot be cut!

Additional Information
Please keep in mind that due to differences in printing technology and colour presentation, some differences in colours may occur also when compared to inkjet printouts or colours displayed on a computer screen.

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