Sizes | Final Trim Size | Standard cards – 318 mm x 466 mm max.
Premium cards – 318 mm x 338 mm max.
Some technologies may require an additional reduction of the maximum final trim size. | Full Bleed Size | This is the size (in millimeters) of the file being prepared. - (full bleed size.)
PLEASE NOTE! Even if your artwork does not have any background colours or design elements extended to the bleed area, always use the full bleed size. To ensure the correct size of your artwork, mark it out with a rectangle at the lowest layer (without any outline or filling), or for a bitmap, frame the artwork appropriately.
| Bleed | Artwork background and all objects adjoining the edge of the final piece must be extended over the edges to the bleed. The size of bleed for this artwork should be 2 mm at each side. For plotter cut printed piece (custom shapes), the size of bleed should be 3 mm at each side. | Scoring Description | If your artwork will be scored, perforated or folded, please describe where the scoring should be and the direction of the single (V), roll (C) or concertina (Z) fold in the comments to your order. If possible, please mark where the scoring should be with a thin line on the bleed or the edge of your artwork. Not applicable for custom shape plotter cut printed pieces (all must be included in the cutting grid).
WHITE Spot Colour | Preparing file for printing with White Only spot colour or White + CMYK. | For white print or white underprint for CMYK colours, you need to prepare a spot colour and call it 'White' in the file. The easiest way to create this colour in your graphic software is to lift it, using the eyedropper tool, from a sample prepared by us in the following file: White.pdf Graphical elements printed in white colour must be placed over CMYK graphics in your artwork and must be set as Overprint (the colour must be 'overprinted').
However, you can prepare your own spot colour palette.
To adapt your graphic tool for easy, quick and reliable design of spot colours, read the following instructions:
Prepare your artwork using the White colour technology described below.
For transparent labels, CMYK print (without underprint) is also an option. Depending on their specific application and the desired effect, you can design the colour print as CMYK without underprint, with underprint or as White only.
Depending on the manner of application, labels should be prepared in a standard layout (for on-the-surface application) or as a mirror image (for under-the-surface application).
Please note:
With small fonts and other elements slight misalignments in registration may be visible. |
| |
Preparing additional Liquid Gold/Silver colour and UV spot varnish | Liquid Metal – metallic film available in: Gold, Silver, Red, Green, Blue
Liquid Metal spot colour should be prepared in the same way as spot varnish. Prepare additional page(s) and apply areas for varnishing in one colour (K100%). The image for spot varnish must not contain greyscale. Even the slightest or brightest greyscale elements get automatically converted into black and will be varnished.
Please note:
Varnishing and using Liquid Metal effect is not recommended for elements thinner than 0.4 mm in the negative and 0.6 mm in the positive. Minimum recommended font size is 10 points, the distance between individual elements must be at least 0,5 mm. Liguid Metal effect may be shifted up to 0.3 mm in respect to printed elements.
Designing Liquid Metal effect up to bleed and on scores is not recommended because the metallic film may crack/chip off near edges and scores.
Liquid Metal is a printed colour. For that reason, to maintain registration precision (0.3 mm), do not remove/cut background graphics out of your CMYK artwork. The page containing background design should not include repeated mask elements.
When Liquid Metal is used on bigger elements/solids, the coating may be uneven. 
It is possible to use Liquid Gold print, Liquid Silver print, and UV spot varnish on a single artwork page, but care must be taken to correctly describe the files and keep the right order to avoid any confusion (see below).
Liquid Gold, Liquid Silver spot varnished elements should be at least 0.6 mm apart.
For pulp-coloured card, Liquid Gold, Liquid Silver and spot varnishing is not allowed to bleed.
Please note!
Bearing in mind that different technologies can be used for one artwork, individual files should be zipped into a single folder before being sent to us. The name of each file should clearly describe the content: face/back/gold/silver/UV/mask for trimming.
You can prepare a multi-page PDF but files must be kept in the correct order:
Print face (if the page is not to be printed, add an empty page)
Print back (if the page is not to be printed, add an empty page)
UV Spot Varnish
In case of multi-page files, there is no way to verify which mask is gold, silver or varnished and the files will always be printed in the prepared order. That is why keeping the right order is of the utmost importance if different technologies (Gold and Silver or Gold/Silver and UV varnish) are used together.
Plotter cutting (customised shapes) | How to prepare for plotter cutting of custom shapes? | Custom shaped printed pieces can be ordered in the Price Quote Form. If printed pieces combining a custom shape with scoring (e.g. folded invitations, boxes, mini folders) and matte/glossy coated paper printing are ordered, lamination is necessary to avoid cracks on score lines. Click the link below to see how to prepare.
See how to prepare |
Customizing | If you want to personalize your printing, please read our guidelines >> how to prepare your artwork for personalization.
See here >>
Saving to File | File Formats | Preferred: PDF
Accepted: CDR, TIFF, JPG (not recommended).
Please note: In case of INDESIGN software, we accept only PostScript files. Otherwise, please use the Comment section to inform us: "Attention: InDesign file. Convert to PS, please". PDF, EPS, PRN
Accepted: CDR, TIFF, JPG (unrecommended).
We are adding the extra fee 3,5 pln, for the preparation of the pdf file to orders with jpg files.
Please note: In case of INDESIGN software, we accept only PostScript files. Otherwise, please use the Comment section to inform us: „Attention: InDesign file. Convert to PS, please"
| Additional Information | When saving to a PDF file, set the graphics to high resolution. Save your PDF files as PDF/X, PDF/X-1a or PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4.0.)
If you have text in your artwork please remember to convert it to curves / paths or attach used fonts to your file (refers only to PDF files).
Don't convert texts to bitmaps!!!
For complex projects with multiple layers, overlapping graphics, shadows, transparencies etc., as far as possible, flatten to a single background image, retaining texts, logos, lines and other important elements of the project in the vector form only. In particular, this problem concerns CorelDRAW X4, where in extreme cases, despite a good-looking PDF file, the printout may contains errors. |
Additional Information | | Please keep in mind that due to differences in printing technology and colour presentation, some differences in colours may occur also when compared to inkjet printouts or colours displayed on a computer screen. |