Sizes | Final Trim Size | 3 sizes specified in offer are available. | Full Bleed Size | The artwork size must be the same as the finished piece size (no bleed necessary).
Considering the direction of the foil stripes, the artwork must be oriented in a required manner (landscape or portrait). |
Lenticular Printing Recommendations | Files | Prepare 2 graphic files for the face side that will alternate depending on the viewing angle.
The files can be delivered in any bitmap format (e.g. jpg, tif, psd). Every vector file will be converted to a raster file during preparation. | Recommendations for project | Theoretically, alternating images can consist of any content, however, due to the imperfect printing technology (dot gain, limited resolution), while viewing one image, the second one can also be slightly visible. The effect grows stronger along with the increased colour saturation. Therefore, we recommend you to choose alternating images carefully, so that the effect is possibly the best.
According to our experience, the best effect is achieved when the alternating images do not differ greatly colour-wise, when they have similar brightness and colour saturation and moreover, when they are not too dark. Avoid designing dark elements in places that have bright background in the alternating image – these elements would show through the second image more easily.
Designing artwork on white background is also not recommended, as objects from the other image are particularly visible on such a background. A good solution would be using one background for both images and changing only the emerging objects. In order to minimise the showing through effect, you can design an additional image that would come in between the two images and that would consist only of the background and the elements shared by the two images.
In case that both images contain texts, they should not overlap. If any of the images shows through, the text might become illegible.
Due to the properties of lenticular foil, an image viewed on such foil seems to be of lower resolution, thus you should avoid designing very detailed elements, including texts < 30pt. and lines thick < 0,5 mm.
Graphics | Colour Model | Prepare your artwork in CMYK model (except for artwork with additional colour). If your artwork contains halftone images (textures, photos), convert it also to CMYK.
Using different colour spaces or colour models in one document (e.g. CMYK and RGB) leads to incorrect colour rendering and is not covered by warranty. | Rich Black | To achieve a full, dark black, use a black color composed of 33%C 33%M 33%Y 100%K. For printing on backlit materials, use 60%C 55%M 50%Y 100%K.  | Tone Gradation | Do not set your tonal range for values smaller than 5%.
| Optimum Resolution | Optimum resolution for bitmaps (graphics, photos) is 600dpi.
| Layout | Turn the artwork by 90 degrees to check if bitmaps rotate correctly.
Set all texts on a separate top layer.
In case of saving your artwork as CDR file, please group all the objects and convert all fonts to curves/paths.
In your file please define your artwork size in accordance with above mentioned size and place your artwork centrally on a page.
If you save as EPS file the artwork which has no background (white), please frame it to above mentioned size.
Given the base positioning tolerance, there may be some shift in the job relative to the utility. Therefore, we discourage placing any kind of frames around the project, whose non-centricity on the utility can be seen.
All pages in the file should have been done in the same print orientation. By default utilities are reversed "Head to Head". | The product requires white underprint. As the whole area is printed over, you needn't prepare underprint in a separate file. |
Saving to File | File Formats | Preferred: PDF
Accepted: CDR, TIFF, JPG (not recommended).
Please note: In case of INDESIGN software, we accept only PostScript files. Otherwise, please use the Comment section to inform us: "Attention: InDesign file. Convert to PS, please". TIFF, JPG, PSD (in RGB color, resolution 600dpi or 300dpi)
Accepted: CDR, PDF (unrecommended).
For orders with these files we charge 3,5pln for the preparing of a printing file.
| Uwagi | PDF and CDR file: If You use any text in Your artwork, please convert all fonts to curves / paths. Don't convert texts to bitmaps!!!
If your artwork consists of more than one page, please save all pages in a single file. If the chosen file format does not allow for saving all pages in one file, please save them in two separate files named face and reverse. (projekt_awers.tiff, projekt_rewers.tiff) In case of TIFF files please save them as single layer files, with no additional channels.If you send more than one file, please send them in ZIP format if possible.
Additional Information | | Please keep in mind that due to differences in printing technology and colour presentation, some differences in colours may occur also when compared to inkjet printouts or colours displayed on a computer screen. |