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Final Trim Size
The size of the card is 85 x 54 mm. A finished piece has rounded corners with a 4 mm diameter. (See picture)
Full Bleed Size
The artwork should be 89 x 58 mm, i.e. 2 mm more at each side compared to the final trim size. If some objects exceed the artwork area, they must be cut off. (See picture) In the place for a magnetic stripe on the back side, leave unprinted space. (See template)
Attention! If you want to print a single-side card (4/4), add an empty second page to the artwork.
Nawet jeśli twoja praca nie posiada tła wyprowadzonego na spad, format projektu musi być zachowany. Dlatego format projektu należy ograniczyć prostokątem na najniższej warstwie, bez konturu (outline) i wypełnienia, lub (w przypadku pliku rastrowego) odpowiednio wykadrować projekt tak aby miał on odpowiednie wymiary.
Personalised Cards
We also offer personalised card printing (e.g. cards with serial numbers or different cards in one order). For this purpose, please prepare two multipage files: (one file for the face side and the second for the back), each card on a separate page. If the face side is the same for all cards, the face.pdf file should contain only one page.
In case that you need a large number of cards and the personalisation would be too work-consuming, you can contact our Customer Service and have them do it for you.
To facilitate your artwork preparation, you can download a template that will help you with the work.
Files: karta_mag.cdr  

Attention! The template serves as a model for design. Before saving your artwork, remove the template so that it is not printed together with the finished piece!


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Printing on the card back with the magnetic stripe
As there is a magnetic stripe on the back side of the card, printing space on that side is limited. You should not design any print in the space where the magnetic stripe is located. All objects and possible background elements or colours should be moved away form the stripe by 1 mm. The location of the stripe is shown in the attached template.
As a perfect matching of the print and the stripe is not possible, we do not recommend you to design background too close to the stripe, otherwise the result might not be aesthetically pleasing.

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